C O U N T E R p u l t
(the reading series)
“This is the dopest reading series dedicated to catapulting the counter-narratives of NYC’s emerging and established storytellers who exist outside the margins.” Nicole Shawan Junior
C O U N T E R p u l t
In Spring 2019, I created COUNTERpult to catapult into mainstream literary conversations the brilliant counter-narratives written and performed by storytellers who’ve been forced to exist and thrive outside of the margins. COUNTERpult showcases the riveting, potent and insanely dope stories generated by Us. Us Black. Us Latinx. Us Asian. Us POC. Us poverty-born. Us Queer. Us Trans. Us LGBTQIA+.
COUNTERpult is a seasonal storytelling showcase that will return in Spring 2020. Stay tuned.
To hear about upcoming readings, sign up for our newsletter, as well as follow us on Facebook and Instagram.
COUNTERpult is currently housed at Cafe Con Libros - a Feminist community bookstore catering to folks, specifically womxn and girls, who are book lovers, coffee aficionados, or both. They aim to provide space for anyone seeking a community of readers and thinkers and, to spread the love of reading as a source of healing and joy.
If you are an emerging or established counter-storyteller who wants to share your creative nonfiction, fiction or poetry in this space, email me with 1. your writing submission (no more than 3500 words), 2. your bio (no more than 200 words written in the third person), and 3. two (2) high resolution photos (the photos should be of only you - no one else in the photos). Send these materials to me at rootswoundswords@gmail.com.